Rachel Fulton

My husband and I both chose to live on campus our first year at IUPUI–Andrew in Purdue House and myself in Sewall. Thanks in part to general education requirements, we found ourselves in the same Honors English course where we met and were able to get to know each other. About halfway into the semester, as a result of proximity and his chivalrous nature, we often found ourselves walking back to the Riverwalk Apartments together, creating a friendship that we could not have predicted would evolve. It was the definition of being in the “friend zone,” which we both would argue is not a bad place to be, and laid the foundation for our marriage. We would watch movies, attend apartment events, or do homework in the same vicinity, providing a sounding board, or in some instances actual items such as blankets, sweatshirts, or anything else that could serve as ballast for his pumpkin drop design project.

We would watch movies, attend apartment events, or do homework in the same vicinity, providing a sounding board, or in some instances actual items such as blankets, sweatshirts, or anything else that could serve as ballast for his pumpkin drop design project.

Rachel Fulton, School of Engineering and Technology Staff, Class of 2010

Story courtesy of:

Rachel Fulton

School of Engineering and Technology Staff, Class of 2010

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