Akash Khanna

I look back to freshman year sometimes and think about what I was doing and how much I have changed over the past three years. IUPUI was the only school I applied to because my sister was already going here. I didn't think I was going to be involved on campus, but one IUPUI event completely changed my life.

As a freshman at IUPUI, I was admitted as a pre-medical student pursuing a college degree in Biology. IUPUI student affairs hosted their first-ever Field Day event, and I wanted to be a part of it because it looked fun. I registered as an individual, without a team, and was paired with a team of people who were heavily involved in Jagathon. During that event, they told me what Jagathon is all about and why I should become a part of it. After a lot of convincing from their part, I joined the committee and did not know what I was getting myself into.

I became heavily involved from the beginning because of two people: Pete Hunter and Darrell Pirtle. They are my biggest mentors to this day, and I cannot imagine my IUPUI experience without them. I joined the marketing committee as a freshman and my interest in marketing advanced when I was presented with an amazing opportunity to be on the executive board of Jagathon to serve as the Director of Marketing. After taking on that position, I learned that this was something I really enjoyed. I gained a deep appreciation and understanding of why marketing is so important, as well as enhancing my respect and admiration for the professionals in the field. Soon after I discovered that I enjoy marketing, I took the initiative to talk to my advisor about switching my major to marketing and transitioning my education path to the Kelley School of Business.

IUPUI is like a second family to me, and I could not be more thankful for this school.

Akash Khanna, Class of 2019

Story courtesy of:

Akash Khanna

Class of 2019

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